Here are the cosmetic trends and procedures that are considered to be the most popular in 2019.

Cosmetic injections will be more accessible than ever

Injections, lasers and skin rejuvenation can become quick procedures that women can take advantage of during lunch breaks, with effects almost immediately visible and without resorting to downtime.
Cosmetic injections, such as Botox and fillers, have become so mainstream that 4/5 of the treatments performed by facial plastic surgeons in 2018 are non-cut-out procedures, as a result. They are subtle but clear, as well as relatively affordable.

Cosmetic treatment will be more extensive

Being able to quickly return to normal life after the procedure has attracted the attention of those who do not want to admit that they have done cosmetic or or do not want to have time to rest.
An estimated 15% of patients are male, with the number still increasing every year. The reason may lie in the “revival” of the classic masculine as well as social characteristics that reduce stigma towards “non-curative” cosmetic procedures.

Many tricks to enhance the lines to look more masculine. Men have been paying close attention to the lower half of the face, meaning the chin, neck and jawbone. ”

Radio frequency technology, like FaceTite, to address sagging in the neck and jaw is an aesthetic procedure that is expected to skyrocket in 2019, especially in men. Depending on the severity of the patient, it may be done in combination with other procedures, such as liposuction or microneedling.

Editing to the throne

Too big breast augmentation, over-full lip augmentation and excessive cosmetic procedures are all outdated trends.

Now, a successful plastic surgery or cosmetic procedure will no longer be the “signs” that immediately hit the eye. Patients are increasingly wanting to maintain a common facial structure, traits inherited from the family and generally just want to be themselves in the form of a version with some subtle adjustments.

Certainly, it will not be like 10 years before everyone brought along the cover of a magazine with the desire to be like a strange supermodel that has nothing to do with their lives. Now, people want to look like their own edited photos, or their own version of Photoshop, and recently, people are extremely fond of micro-level optimizations that make them feel a little more confident but not completely “alien” in the eyes of others.

Patients are now more of a “natural” appearance. Breast augmentation surgery will continue to be popular, but with a smaller, more naturally shaped pocket or position. Fat transplant will continue to be popular next year, but will be used more for contouring and editing, instead of just filling.

“Partial” treatment

Small, very specific procedures to address minor but uncomfortable defects on the face and body are increasingly common. These “micro optimization” techniques include using fillers at locations other than traditional cheekbones, such as earlobes so that the ears don’t sag when wearing heavy earrings, or the inside of the nose non-invasive nose shaping process.
Another procedure that has been performed recently is the distance between the nose and lips. This gap will grow over time and may age your lips, so doctors will make a small incision just under your nose and lift your lips. This is a small surgery, but it makes a nice difference without having to fill your lips with fillers.

Editing body contours will skyrocket

EmSculpt has just appeared in the US, and this is the first and only non-invasive procedure to create fat and muscle. Hand tools use magnetic fields to trigger muscle contractions to target fat and build muscle mass.

Fat will dissipate in response to the metabolic reaction of muscle contraction, essentially deceiving the body, causing it to think it is exercising. This is a painless procedure that has been tested in five clinical studies with measurable results.

The end of medical tourism

Even on a clear day, medical tourism, especially plastic surgery, will collapse. What was once appealing as a low-cost alternative to expensive elective procedures has now led patients to reconsider its value, in terms of money, and other aspects.

For example, there are many patients who have gone to South America or other places for plastic surgery and then have complications, or need a complete fix, and have to return to the US for treatment, so Doctors predict that they will witness a kind of reverse healing travel, instead of going to third world countries for cheaper plastic surgery, they go to places like New York.

If 2018 was the year of cosmetic surgery and cosmetic improvement stepped out of the darkness and became a mainstream flow, 2019 will be the year of minor facial and body retouching, while retaining Your natural face characteristics.

And according to experts, a large number of patients will go to treatment earlier, at a younger age as a way of prevention. In fact, the annual AAFPRS survey found that 72% of face plastic surgeons saw an increase in plastic surgery or cosmetic injections in patients under 30 years of age.
Patients are also receiving regular treatment starting at a younger age to prevent invasive procedures over the long term. It is a kind of maintenance for the skin, instead of neglecting the skin problems until drastic measures are needed.

Source Allure